filling state land, claim residents
By Malik Gunatilleke

The caterer’s refuse filling the wrong place |
A plot of land belonging to the Land Reclamation
and Development Corporation (LRDC) in Nawala is being filled with
garbage and earth causing a health hazard to the residents.
Neighbours surrounding the site told The Sunday
Times that the owner of a popular catering company was responsible
for dumping his refuse on the state owned marshy land adjoining
his property. The LRC and Police have been informed of the filling,
but action against filling is yet to be taken.
“We have informed the Land Reclamation Corporation
but they still haven’t done anything despite several phone
calls and letters,” a resident said.However LDRC General Manager
G. Alawattegama said he had visited the site three weeks ago.
“We wrote to the owner to clean the area
within one month and if not we will use our own resources and clean
it while taking legal action against the owner,” he said.
Mr. Alawattegama admitted that the complaints started coming in
years ago.
“We couldn’t take any action because
the law was not strong enough, but now since we have a stronger
legal backing we can take firmer action against such offenders,”
he said. The catering company owner Lakshman Perera said he was
warned by the authorities a few weeks back and had immediately halted
the dumping of refuse on the land. However, witnesses stated that
the land is still being filled during the night.