ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Vol. 41 - No 32
TV Times

Fed up with MTV’s ‘Power of 1’

B. Anandappa of Hendela writes...

The extension of 15 minutes to the ‘News First’ with a boast that is for a more detail and wider coverage of news for the benefit of the viewers just appears to be a farce.

It only takes advantage of the captive audience to accomadate ad nauseam clips of forthcoming dramas repeatedly, add to this are the regular commercial ads, and most annoying are the gimmicks ‘News First’ at every turn, Channel No. I and ‘Experience the Power of I’. God only knows what this means. All these easily take more than extra fifteen minutes. This is not only a wastage of time but also a strain on the eyes of the viewer. Furthermore at 9.45 before the due film start again there is round of the gimmicks and ads, and the film itself is continually interrupted by long clips of coming dramas that makes it disgusting and a strain to see through the film however interesting it is. I hope the MTV authorities will understand the predicament of the viewer, and revert back to earlier 30 minutes instead of the present farcical 45 minutes.

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