Snail pace post office running without staff
The residents of Mattegoda welcomed the opening of a post office for their convenience.
Unfortunately, the delivery of letters, its main function, seems to be not punctual and regular and as a result some residents get their mail after weeks.
A job applicant for instance, received the letter calling for an interview only two weeks after the date of interview.
On inquiries made from the Post Master it was revealed there are nearly 6000 residences in the area to serve, but he has only three postmen whose duties include not only delivery of mail but also sorting and other connected functions. He has requested for additional men, but his request so far has not been granted.
The very purpose of opening a Post Office would be lost if it were to function with shortcomings. It is therefore, hoped that the authorities concerned would take serious notice of this situation and send additional staff needed to run this post office satisfactorily.
By U.M.G. Goonetilleke,
Mattegoda. |