ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Vol. 41 - No 39
Financial Times  

ICICI Bank’s new salary account product

ICICI Bank Sri Lanka Branch has introduced its “ICICI Bank Salary Accounts” to the top management and decision makers of over 75 leading corporates in Sri Lanka.

This was done at a management session conducted by Nalaka Hewamadduma on “Secrets of Higher Performance” to the key decision makers of top corporates such as Aitken Spence, Confifi Group, George Steuarts and many more in Colombo recently, the bank said in a statement.

Sachin Sikka, Senior Vice President and Head of Retail Liabilities, ICICI Bank (in Sri Lanka), said, “Taking on the experience of having served five million salary account holders spread over 35,000 corporate relationships in India, ICICI Bank's Sri Lanka branch recently launched this innovative product for corporates and their employees offering a complete product suite with convenience and host of benefits to both”.

Those corporates who wish to open salary accounts for their employees in ICICI Bank can have their salaries credited to the account at no cost, with the concept of 'Single Debit – Multiple Credits'.

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