Revert to slip system and stop harassing pensioners
My letter is supportive of several others that have been written in this connection. As these requests appear to have fallen on deaf ears, I would like to make a fresh appeal.
The procedure of sending slips to the pensioner, as done earlier, has been done away with giving place to a system which has brought much heart-burn to the pensioner. When the slips were sent to the pensioner he was made aware of the details of deductions and also any payment of arrears, allowances and other relevant details.
Due to bureaucratic lethargy, a system which requires the pensioner to draw his pension from the Bank/Post Office without the slip has been introduced. This, I believe has been done to ease the work of the officers attached to the District/Divisional Secretariats.
When I contacted an Officer in the Bank he agreed that the present system has complicated matters for them too and he is helpless.
I, therefore, request the Director of Pensions to review this system and revert to the earlier method of sending the slips to the pensioner. If necessary, Rs. 10 may be recovered from the pensioner to cover the cost of printing and material.
By G.R. Jacob,