Ven. monk who spread Theravada Buddhism in Sri Lanka and abroad
Hammalawa Sri Saddhatissa Nayaka Maha Thera
I consider it a privilege to write this appreciation on the Ven. Pandita Hammalawa Sri Saddhatissa Nayaka Maha Thera, a Buddhist prelate of distinction in the Theravada tradition. The Ven. Saddhatissa did much to disseminate the Dhamma both here and abroad.
In lay life, the Ven. Saddhatissa hailed from a family which cherished traditional cultural values. In his spiritual calling he shone as a bright star in the firmament of the illustrious Sangha order. As a young samanera he was gifted with the virtues that make one popular.
Even as a novice the Ven. Saddhatissa was an eloquent exponent of the Dhamma. His talents were of such an order that he was called upon to deputize for the Most Ven. Kalukondayawe Sri Pannasekera on some occasions.
At the Vidyodaya Pirivena as a student bhikkhu, the Ven. Saddhatissa pursued his academic studies with distinction. He passed the Pracina Panditha Examination with distinction and acquired a wide knowledge of Sinhala, Pali, Sanskrit, Bengali, Urdu and Prakrit, in addition to the usual grounding in the Pali Tripitaka. Even in his youth, while acquainting himself with all aspects of Theravada Buddhist Philosophy, he distinguished himself as a highly disciplined young bhikkhu who upheld the highest traditions of the order.
As principal of the Pallewela Vickramaseela Vidarsana Pirivena the Ven. Saddhatissa rendered yeoman service as an exemplary teacher who nurtured a distinguished band of scholarly pupil monks. On the invitation of the trustees of the Mahabodhi Society, Ven. Saddhatissa engaged in a series of missionary activities at the Saranatha Maha Vihara. In that capacity he did much to foster the spread of Theravada Buddhism in India.
While in India Ven. Saddhatissa mastered the Hindi and English languages, and after graduating from the University of Benares, became a lecturer in Pali and Buddhism. The volume of literature on Buddhism which the Ven. Saddhatissa wrote in the English, Hindi and Sinhala languages is legion. Scholars of both the orient and occident were considerably impressed by his literary skills in doctrinal exposition. Ven. Saddhatissa delivered sermons and discourses on Buddhism with great facility as much in Hindi and English as he did in Sinhala.
The leader of the Harijan Sect of India, Dr. Ambedkar, was wont to consult Ven. Saddhatissa on points of Buddhist philosophy. For about 25 years the Ven. Saddhatissa lectured on Theravada Buddhism and Pali in many universities of India. The Ven. Saddhatissa was appointed Professor of Ideology at the University of Toronto, Canada, in appreciation of his service to the Dhamma and Pali language. Once again on the invitation of the trustee of the Maha Bodhi Society, Ven. Saddhatissa served as the Head of the London Buddhist Vihara in England and at the end of his life engaged in Dharmaduta activities in several countries of Europe.
The fact that the Maha Thera was invited by the Pope and Queen Elizabeth II of England amply testifies to the recognition of his services in the United Kingdom and in the continent and to the great esteem in which he was held.
Ven. Saddhatissa was in large measure responsible for the founding of the numerous Buddhist Centres in the United Kingdom and in many countries in Europe.
The service he rendered over a period of three decades while residing in England in disseminating the Dhamma to students from Thailand (Siam), Myanmar (Burma), Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Laos and England is considered second only to that rendered by illustrious Buddhist savant, the Anagarika Dharmapala.
The 12th Commemoration of Ven. Sri Saddhatissa Nayaka Thero was held at the Sri Saddhatissa International Buddhist Centre at Kingsbury in U.K. under the guidance of its chief incumbent Ven. Galayaye Piyadassi on February 16 and 17.
I am sure that the Ven. Saddhatissa’s journey in samsara will be very limited and that he will attain the Supreme Bliss of Nibbana in a comparatively short time.
By Ven. Dr. Akuratiye Nanda Nayaka Thera