ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday, March 11 , 2007
Vol. 41 - No 41

Why deprive these people of spending time with family

By Sunil Rohan, Mathugama,

I read a news item in The Sunday Times FT dated 18-02-2007 re. Commercial Bank opening its branches to customers on public and bank holidays. I wonder whether in future they will open their branches on poya days too.

Working throughout the year will definitely make a person ill. Our country does not need more holidays but let the people enjoy the holidays they get with their kith and kin. I happen to know a parent whose only son is employed in a bank. He is stationed more than 100 km away from home and is staying in a rented room. The parents lament that they haven’t celebrated the Sinhala /Tamil New Year for the past two years.

So by keeping banks or any other establishment open on holidays, the management is depriving the staff and their relatives of being together at least on public and bank holidays.

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