ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Vol. 41 - No 41

Singer Sri Lanka 7s second-leg at Longden Place

By Bernie Wijesekera

After the fascinating Club rugby 7s staged at the picturesque Radella grounds. The second-leg will be staged at Longden Place on 17 and 18. Kandy SC fielding a fitter youth team with abundant stamina won the cup final over a hapless CR and FC. The red shirted team playing below form went down meekly. They are bound to bounce back before their home crowd in the second leg. Eight teams will scrum down.

The team that caught the eye was Havelocks SC. coached by Ajith Peiris. The Park Club in the process with a young and talented outfit outplayed CH and FC to win the Plate.

The first-leg was organized by Dimbula C and AC. Devaka Wickremasuriya did an excellent job. Proved that a district club has the ability and strength to organise a mega event.

The second-leg too should provide exciting rugby, CR and FC will go hell bent to overcome their first leg defeat to Kandy.

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