SMLL “SENEHAS SITHTHARO” – Exhibition with a difference
At the opening |
Artistic drawings of the talented Senehas siththaro branded under “SENEHAS”, THE NOVEL Children’s Saving Scheme launched by Seylan Merchant Leasing Ltd, was exhibited at the Lionel Wendt last Saturday followed by a prize giving graced by distinguished artist Ms Sybil Wettasinghe.
The exhibition was of splendid colour and excitement, with young stars crowding the place waiting for their talents to be recognized and rewarded. The novelty of this event was, a Prize Giving followed the Exhibition where valuable gifts were awarded to the identified young stars, Seylan Merchant said.
“Senehas”, the new children’s savings product was launched on June 9 at the well-known Sathutu Uyana. Branded “Senehas Sathutu Sagaraya”, the event was a great success with thousands of people from all over Sri Lanka attending this ground-breaking fun filled event. |