Row over where the Veddah roams |
Is it a conflict between conservation and the lifestyle of an indigenous group on the verge of extinction? Or is it a ruse to flout the laws of the land under the guise of preserving a nearly-extinct group of people?These are some of the grave concerns that need to be addressed in the light of ..... |
a must? |
An international human rights campaigner released a report this week on the plight of Sri Lankan housemaids in West Asia containing the usual problems: harassment, rape, non-payment of wages, being overworked, etc.
There was nothing new to add to the growing debate of Sri Lankan migrant workers, except for one astounding fact; would-be migrants are either coerced or forced ..... |
Migrants in distress |
Over 200 species of birds migrate to Sri Lanka, during the migratory period that starts usually in late August and extends upto to March/April. The bird visitors travel mainly from Europe and northern parts of India.
Circulated on the email network of the Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka (FOGSL) last week, were two more accounts of migrant Indian Pittas found in home gardens. |