As a New Year dawns tomorrow, the many challenges facing Sri Lanka in the coming days, weeks and months seem clearly defined.The most important among them, no doubt, is the escalating undeclared Eelam War IV and a political settlement to the ethnic conflict.
Despite the customary lull during the Christmas season, an intelligence warning last Monday sounded a note of caution.
It said the Sea Tigers were planning to attack Dvora fast attack craft (FACs) of the Navy in the North in the next day or two.
The economic performance of 2007 has been characterised by very high inflation, the rise in the public debt and foreign debt, depreciation of the currency, massive increase in military expenditure and a slowing down of economic growth.
The “new diplomacy” that the west advocates and expects us to respect does not seem to have penetrated the rugged terrain of Afghanistan. There the old battle against a foreign presence and political extremism continues.
The outpouring of amused acclaim by some and outright if not unholy glee by others at the sight of ministerial thug Mervyn Silva and his murderous acolytes being cornered and given a classic taste of their own medicine by the staff of Rupavahini Corporation is good testimony to the abysmal state of the rule of law in Sri Lanka today.
Not issued with this week issue
By Chandani Kirinde, Our
Lobby Correspondent
the glass house
Not issued with this week issue
By Thalif Deen at the united nations
Not issued with this week issue
By J.S. Tissainayagam
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