Flaws in Grade 1 admissions, say past pupils
Even though admission of students to Grade 1 in Government schools have been completed according to the new criteria, past pupils unions are reported to be dissatisfied over the priority given to applicants under ‘residence’ category in comparison to those selected under ‘past pupils’ category.
Past pupils’ associations’ joint committee media spokesperson Aruna Rabel said a reduction was noticed in the number of students selected under ‘past pupils’ category in the provisional lists released in some schools.“We would be taking this issue into consideration when we hope to make recommendations for Grade 1 admissions for 2009,” he said.
Western Province Education Director J.A.D.L. Hemachandra said 80 per cent of the schools in Colombo District would reopen on January 17 as planned even though some schools wouldn’t be able to meet the deadline.“That’s due to various reasons. Those schools are mainly the ones in which we started interviews most recently. We would be able to release the provisional lists of those schools this year but we have to go through the appeal process before finalising the name list,” he said.
Meanwhile Publications Department Commissioner General N. Dharmasena said the distribution of school books for 2008 would be completed by January 30. However, he said there was a delay in some areas because some principals and Zonal Education Directors have not forwarded their correct requirements of books for 2008.
He said there is a demand for 27.4 million books for 4.3 million students islandwide and 25 million books had already been distributed. |