A gentleman of great virtue - An appreciation
By Aubrey Kuruppu
Dr. Sirisena Uduwela |
The passing away of Dr. M. Sirisena Uduwela, a former President of the Kandy District Cricket Association, last week removes from our midst a gentleman of great virtue, a person of unassailable character and a tremendous lover of sports.
He was especially fond of Cricket, Rugger and Tennis. While being a regular on the tennis courts of the Peradeniya Univesity where he was the Chief Medical Officer. Dr Uduwela was a keen spectator at Cricket and Rugger matches in Kandy.
His period of office as the President of the KDCA was marked by a lot of activity. He saw to it that all the tournaments were conducted and that plenty of cricket was played. Above all, he was forthright, unbiased and voiced his opinion strongly once he was convinced of the Justness of the cause. He presided over KDCA meetings firmly but well and one hardly recalls any acrimonious situations.
He was of distinguished stock: one of his brothers was a Ministry Secretary while another was, for a time, the government Agent of Kandy.
'Siri' as he was called by his friends went to his rest happy in the thought that his four children were all doing well in life. His eldest son followed in his footsteps. While the younger one is a Bank Manager. His wife of many years was his adored companion.
Cricket administration has plumbed the depths and it could truly be said of Dr Uduwela that Kandy "hath need of thee"