ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday April 20, 2008
Vol. 42 - No 47

You were simply wonderful

Florence Gunawardena

It is four years since my mother passed away. Dear Amma, all the happiness we shared seems to have gone away and I miss you very much. Thinking about all those years I spent with you, I am reminded of how much you sacrificed for our family. I would often burden you with my worries and problems, and now I am all alone, with no one to turn to when I need help and guidance.

You were a tower of strength, not only as a mother but also as a dutiful wife. You supported Thaththaa in all his endeavours. You were also a loving daughter to your own parents. I remember, as if it was yesterday, how on the day grandfather died you left all your work and took a taxi and went to my grandparents' house in Kadawatha.

Also, when grandmother became unable to climb the steps of our house, you had a ramp constructed so she could easily access our home. As a grandmother you did so much for your grandson, from the day he was born until the time he went to university, and you helped me in every way you could to bring him up.

You also thought about the less fortunate, and took a great interest in the Prithipura home for children.

May God grant you eternal peace.

By Your ever-sorrowing daughter

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