An international panel consisting of Jim Stengel -Global Marketing Officer: Proctor and Gamble, David Kirkpatrick- Senior Editor: Fortune Magazine and Ms. Judie Lannon - The Editor: Market Leader has awarded Thayalan Bartlett –CEO of JWT’s Colombo office the Global Atticus award for advertising.
The Atticus award is open to all WPP operating companies worldwide for original thinking in marketing communications. Mr Bartlett’s thoughts on overcoming turbulent times in markets globally and locally received high commendation from this year’s judges, a press release issued by JWT Colombo said.
In a letter informing Mr Bartleet of his award, Sir Martin Sorrell, Group Chief Executive WPP, said “your work will be published in the WPP’s annual Atticus journal and will be made available to clients, WPP people and media around the world.” The merit award in this category went to Graham Page from Milward Brown- Warwick for his paper on the value of biological and cognitive copy testing methods.
From its global network JWT had one other winner Jitender Dabas-JWT Delhi under the category Branding & Identity. Thomas Doctroff CEO of JWT Shanghai received a commendation for his paper under the category Market Research and Insights titled “from big bang to steady evolution”.
Being the first Sri Lankan to ever win an Atticus, Mr Bartleet said, “I consider JWT and its people very much a part of this award. It’s an inspiration and education working with an organization where knowledge is ahead of its time.” |