
Kurunegala Hospital gets new cardiac catheter laboratory

The brand new cardiac catheter laboratory donated by the Australia Sri Lanka Business Council of Melbourne which will be opened tomorrow (September 1) will enable the Kurunegala Teaching Hospital to carry out diagnostic and surgical procedures for heart disease hitherto not performed there.

The cardiac catheter lab with operating tables and other machinery, computers, cardiac monitors, etc occupies three rooms on the ground floor of the new Cardiology Building at the Kurunegala Hospital. The equipment comes complete with spareparts.

This sensitive equipment worth around Australian $ 1.5 - 2 million was donated to the Hospital by the Australia Sri Lanka Business Council in collaboration with the Mornington Rotary Club and a few other Rotary Clubs of Melbourne.

The council under the guidance of then Chairman Michael Coultas, secured the lab and raised the funds for transport and installation at a gala dinner held at the Grand Hyatt in Melbourne in March 2007. The chief guest was Sri Lankan born Governor of Victoria, Professor David De Kretser and Mrs. De Kretser while Kurunegala Teaching Hospital Director Dr. Ananda Gunasekera was also present.

The project would not have got off the ground in Melbourne if not for the dedication of Council Secretary Pushpa Hettiarachi who was supported by its current Chairman Ean McDowell.

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