Mr. Keith Modder, Chief Guest, addressing the gathering |

Dr. Thilaka S. Weerakoon delivering the Key note address. |

Mr Mike Reed, Representative from
the University of Wales |
On the 8th of September, 2008, the hard work and diligence of the students of the Imperial Institute of Higher Education (IIHE) were fulfilled when 18 of them received their BSc's Hons. degrees and 33 of them their MBA degrees from the University of Wales at a grand ceremony held at the Water's Edge.
The Chief Guest was the Exective Vice President and Managing Director -Asia Operations of Virtusa, Mr Keith Modder. Senior representatives from the University of Wales, Mr Mike Reed, Dr Azhar Karami and Dr Phil Grant were present at the colourful ceremony. The CEO and Academic Director Dr Thilaka S. Weerakoon and director Mr. Rohan Wijeratne of the Imperial Institute of Higher Education were also present on the occasion.
Five BSc (Hons) Graduates received First Class Honours, twelve students received Second Class Upper, and one student received Second Class Lower. Anushka De Silva one of the first class honours graduates, in a photo finish, won the coveted Gold Medal.
The Imperial Institute of Higher Education is the only Institute associated with the University of Wales in Sri Lanka offering validated MBA's and BSc's in Management and Computing. This association has prevailed since 1996 and has a track record of 12 years. The degrees from the University of Wales are recognized around the world. The University of Wales which is the second oldest and the second largest in the UK, awards under-graduate degrees and post graduate degrees.
The University of Wales, re-evaluates its course regularly and redesigns and introduces new modules based on the requirements of current business environments and global trends. Such revisions of curriculum to ensure currency to emerging industry needs, effective teaching and learning methods and a UOW approved faculty enhances each student's learning experience to the maximum. The research focus and the dissertation that is mandatory both for the BSc and MBA ensures that all students go though an individual experience to prove that they are competent to function as internal and external consultants to identify and solve organizational problems using the scientific method rather than just 'gut feeling'.
Students following the BSc programs receive the opportunity to study and solve "real life" problems at several multi national companies in Sri Lanka. In the assessed module, "Real Life Problem Solving", students are assigned real problems by sponsoring companies. The students are required to undertake field work, gather data and analyze their findings before submitting a detailed report and presentation to the Senior Management. This enables them to meet with the key personnel of these companies and could pave the way for prospective employment opportunities in the future.
In the final semester of their programme, they undertake another module which is a functional management seminar which again provides them the opportunity to even set up a company and market a product or service. Such experience empowers them to take up management positions without training after their degree.
Professor Mark Clement Vice Chancellor of the University of Wales comments "As a student on a course that will lead to a degree or other qualification validated by the University of Wales, you can be assured, therefore that you will earn a qualification which is justifiably recognized worldwide as being the highest standard". (Validated Service Brochure of UOW)
All of the above factors contribute to the exceptional quality and excellence of the education that the students receive at the Imperial Institution of Higher Education.
Dr.Thilaka Weerakoon,
CEO, Academic Director
“Words fail to express the value of knowledge and experience I have
gained from obtaining my degree from University of Wales. This has
not only led to obtaining a world class degree, but also helped me
to find employment at a multi-national organization, couple of weeks
before my graduation.”
Anushka De Silva
(Management Trainee - Glaxosmithkline) |
Message from the Vice Chancellor
"The University of Wales is the second largest degree awarding body in the United Kingdom. During our 12 year association with the IIHE we have been happy to assist the institution's staff as they strive to maintain the highest standards of academic excellence. It is heartening to see the numbers of Sri Lankan students who have made full use of this opportunity to gain University of Wales degrees, which are recognised and valued across the world. The validation process employed by the University ensures that the degrees it awards at IIHE are of the equivalent standard to those awarded in Wales."
Message from the Director of the Validation Unit, University of Wales
It is my great pleasure to have this opportunity to congratulate those students who are being honoured as graduates of the University of Wales.
It is fitting that their achievements are marked at today's Ceremony and it is also an appropriate opportunity for us to record our thanks to the staff of IIHE for their professionalism and dedicated hard work.
You are graduating with the full degree of the University of Wales which is an internationally recognised qualification. You will therefore enjoy the same benefits and status as all other graduates of the University of Wales.
The programme of study you have undertaken is one of the highest quality which has undergone a very rigorous validation, review and examination process.
The University is proud of your achievements and welcomes you warmly as life-long members of the University of Wales alumni.
Huw F. Hughes
University of Wales
Validation Unit