After highly successful foreign tours in the last couple of months, the most entertaining singing duo Ronnie Lietch and Corrine de Almeida will be the star attractions once again at the eagerly awaited 'monthly club nite' at the Old Thomians' Swimming Club (OTSC) on Saturday November 1 from 8.00pm to 11.00pm at the OTSC Club House premises.
As the title itself says 'Rocking Time' with Ronnie and Corrine these two entertaining singers will be at their best for the mood with some of their 'catchy' fast numbers for dancing. 'Wild Flowers' three piece band led by Batison will provide the music while OTSC member Brian Thomas will be the Master of Ceremonies.
Tickets are priced at Rs. 350/= which is available with the Club Manager on 2716529. 'There will be a food stall for diners and the event is open to all members, their families and guests; said the social secretary of OTSC Tusita de Alwis. |