An academic link was initiated between the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon and the University of Cincinnati, USA with the signing of an Institutional Collaboration Agreement by Professor J. N. O. Fernando, the Dean of the College of Chemical Sciences on behalf of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon and Dr. Mitch Leventhal, the Vice Provost for International Affairs, on behalf of the University of Cincinnati, USA. The signing ceremony took place on 6th September , 2008 at the premises of the Institute of Chemistry.
Both institutes will collaborate and cooperate on activities such as offering joint degree program, academic and student exchange, research and training programs, sponsorship of conferences, programs of consulting and evaluation, research publications, exchange of materials, and other such activities as may be mutually agreed upon.
The first major activity to be undertaken is a unique joint degree program which will allow superior students with two years of study at the Institute of Chemistry to do their final two years at the University of Cincinnati, and in the course of that earn their Sri Lankan diploma and a B.S. degree from the University of Cincinnati.
The graduate will be qualified to pursue Masters or Doctoral level studies in Chemistry and other fields. Some of the most promising students can apply for admission to postgraduate degree programs at University of Cincinnati.
Opportunities exist for part time employment on- campus in the United States for up to a maximum of 20 hours per week during academic quarters and up to a maximum of 40 hours per week when school is not in session.
The University of Cincinnati will endeavor to assist interested students to gain work experience to complement their academic program. The Optional Practical Training (OPT) program for F-1 visa holders allows students to work for one year following completion of a degree.
Students completing this 2+2 degree program will automatically have the opportunity to utilize OPT Students can then return to university, earn a postgraduate degree, and then have another opportunity for OPT. Rates of payments are competitive.
Out of state tuition fees apply to all students entering into this program, but it is anticipated that most would qualify for a significant reduction under the University of Cincinnati's Global Transfer Scholarship scheme. In addition to the cost of tuition, living including medical insurance must be met by the students.
About University of Cincinnati
The University of Cincinnati is a major public research university, ranked in the top 25 nationally. With an endowment in excess of US $1 billion, and more than US $300 million annually in federally funded research activities, it is unquestionably a world leader. The university excels in the sciences, including Chemisty, Physics, Environmental Science, Engineering and Medicine. A multi-hectare Genome Research Institute attracts top scientists from around the world. Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati.
About The Department of Chemistry
The Department of Chemistry is an internationally renowned research department that is positioning itself for even greater achievements in the 21st century. The Department has specific research strengths in Drug Design & Delivery, Green Chemistry, Chemical & Biochemical Sensors, Computational Biophysical Chemistry, and Analytical Mass Spectrometry.
The Department strives for excellence in both the undergraduate and graduate education experiences. The Department is medium-sized, providing the amenities and resources typically found only in much larger departments, while retaining the closeness and faculty-student interactions characteristic of smaller departments.
The Department has world-class faculty who are recipients of numerous regional, national and international awards and provide leadership in scholarship and research.
The Department offers a wide range of undergraduate courses to serve the needs of many different students, and the choice of three baccalaureate degree programs for students majoring in chemistry. Of note, the Department of Chemistry has offered the degree of Bachelor of Science in chemistry since the inception of the Department in the 1870's. When the Committee on Professional Training (CPT) of the American Chemical Society (ACS) began to approve degree programs and allow the certification of graduates in chemistry in approximately 1940, the BS program met the qualifications for certification immediately.
Since then, the BS degree program has continuously maintained its ACS approval, undergoing curriculum review by the CPT every 5 years. As such, of B.S. chemistry graduates receive ACS-certified degrees. All undergraduate majors have an opportunity to conduct undergraduate research. Nearly 80% choose to do so, often leading to presentations at meetings and/or refereed publications.