Graduation students with the chief Mr. james Moore, Deputy Ambassador of the US and Embassy and Mrs. Sherryn Yaseen Mangalagama CEO of ACHE and other foreign dignitaries who graced the occasion |
"American Education brings the World together" was the theme when the American College of Higher Education held its 6th Transfer and Graduation ceremony and Convocation at a colourful and glittering function at the " Kings Court Ball Room" of the Trans Asia Hotel in Colombo on the 2nd November 2008.
Gracing the occasion as the Chief Guest was the Deputy Ambassador of the US Embassy in Sri Lanka, Mr James Moore, while the Guests of Honour were lead by Dr David Moore, Associate Vice President for International Education, Broward College, Florida, USA, accompanied by a host of other dignitaries of the Broward College & its affiliates World wide, who had come all the way from USA, Singapore, etc, in honour of this most significant occasion. Associated in this event was the Vice Consular Officer of the US Embassy, Mr Joel Weigert. Graduating students numbered 105 while more than 450 proud parents and well wishers were present to celebrate the achievements of their children.
The proceeding commenced with the convocation procession entering the hall, led by the Registrar of ACHE & the Chief Guest followed by the Guests of Honour & the Graduates. The lighting of the "World" followed by the National Anthem of Sri Lanka and the ACHE College Anthem.
Mrs Sherryn Yaseen Mangalagama, CEO ACHE delivering the welcome address stressed on the importance of the American system of education in the present International context of "Globalization" which was directly instrumental in the choice of this years theme "American Education Brings the World together".
Dr David Moore, Associate Vice President, Broward College, delivering his address after the performance of the welcome dance by the grade 6,7,8, students of the American International School, which is fully owned by the ACHE, spoke of his deep appreciation of the wonderful organization of the colourful and entertaining ceremony which included items by the International students of the AIS as well as from the ACHE. He expressed his deep satisfaction of the enormous progress made by the ACHE under the guidance of the CEO Mrs Sherryn Yaseen Mangalagama and the Director Operations Mr Suresh Yaseen and extended his warmest congratulations to the ACHE as well as all the Graduating students.
Dr Sudhir Mehta, Associate Vice President, North Dakota State University, USA congratulated the ACHE and the students in his speech, also outlining the opportunities offered by the NDSU specifically in the form of the 1 + 1 MBA program and American system of Education,
These sentiments were echoed by the Deputy Ambassador of the US Embassy, Mr James Moore in his Graduating address, who congratulated and commended the significant role played by the ACHE in the furtherance of Education in Sri Lanka and international placements and opportunities afforded to the students. He observed that the ACHE has placed 948 students in prominent and highly reputed Universities across the Globe so far.
The Graduation ceremony followed the address by Prof BL Panditaratne, Director of Studies, ACHE, the signing of the Graduation Register taking place immediately thereafter.
A significant feature was the special graduation song whose lyrics and music were composed and also sung by the students of ACHE, which was very much appreciated by all present.
The cutting of the Graduation Cake and the proposing of the Grand Champagne Toast, followed by a gala dinner dance, much enjoyed by all, brought the evening's proceedings to a very successful conclusion. |