They say it was not the big one with the same name, but the other one. But, reliable sources say that there was a girl who came down from Canada in search of a Lankan cricketer. The report is that they met during the short tour that our guys made to tha icy cold land and he looked for some warmth, but only realized of what had happened. However the sad part was that even after several attempts she just could not meet him.
What a leader!
The young school soccerites were also victims of the Bangkok Airport siege. However the head of the department of that section of school going footballers had just kept off the whole issue and even kept his phone off so that no one could contact him on the matter.
Crescent hullabaloo
It is reported that that there is big trouble brewing at the Club at the Crescent. The bat crowed is giving a hard time to the president who came in with the oval ball. However the oval ball president now has come across some huge frauds and handed the files over to the Investigating cops to look into the matter. However they also say that if things go far, a huge figure in the batting field may also be implicated.
In the nick of time
They always said that Mr. Know all is a smooth operator. Even the Aussie spinner once said that he knows how to bend rules without breaking them.
Now that when he knew that his days at the hot seat were numbered, he ran to the big house to have a distribution party to get just enough points to a new lease of life, even for a short time.
Now some others are giving thoughts on parting company.
TV deal on again
It is reported that ARY de Silva is back on track again. He who once was on a self imposed sideline has got a new lease of life with the opening of the TV deal again. It is reported that he the bearded guy and goingsoft.com vehemently opposed to the old deal being floated again while Mr. Know-all looked on. The motto is hang the Lankan game, make hay while the sun shines.
Prying in
Some in the citadel say that the bearded guy is now prying into the other employees’ e-mails to look into what they are up to. He has employed a dotcom expert who has this facility to do this.