If your child falls ill while at home what will you do? If you see a person collapse on the road what measures will you take?
This is some of the crucial information you will be able to gather while standing in the queue to buy a ticket to enter ‘Vedasa’ Medical Exhibition 2009 of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura to be held from January 6 – 12 at the BMICH in Colombo.
Street dramas and demonstrations will effectively show you how to deal with different kinds of emergencies while you await your ticket to enter the exhibition area and inside would be a wealth of information, leaving you with a memorable experience. “Our Faculty of Medical Sciences is organizing this exhibition to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of the Sri Jayewardenepura University which falls this year. The exhibition is one of many events to be held throughout the year,” said Faculty Dean Prof. Jayantha Jayawardana, while Convener/Treasurer Medical Exhibition 2009 Dr. Chitranga Kariyawasam explained, “We are a relatively young Medical Faculty with a short but proud history of 15 years. We have made our mark in the field of medical education having had the distinct honour of our students being placed first in the order of merit for the last 5-6 years. Our graduates have excelled in their post graduate exams here and abroad and are working as eminent consultants in their respective fields.”
The student-centred exhibition is based on the module system of the new curriculum which commenced in 2006 and would include stalls depicting the normal and abnormal of the central nervous system, cardiovascular, respiratory gastrointestinal, renal, reproductive and special senses. There would also be stalls relating to mental health, malignancies and orthopaedics and trauma.
Common diseases like diabetes would be given a special place with communicable diseases such as filariasis, malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy and dengue, chikungunya and other emerging diseases being presented with the help of the respective control programmes and the Epidemiology Unit. Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS along with anti-alcohol and drug abuse will be interestingly presented with powerful messages and dramas, amply supported by the STD/AIDS campaign and the Anti Drug Information Centre (ADIC).
The much looked forward to display of dissected bodies and those being dissected will be a separate stall. A stall relating to forensic pathology with display of firearms, bombs and genetics in forensics will be a popular attraction.
Taking into consideration the number of snake-bite victims in Sri Lanka, the Nature Club of the faculty in collaboration with the zoo will have several varieties of snakes on display so that people would be able to identify the poisonous ones.
A different aspect of the exhibition is ‘Vidudaya Nuwanin Suwabara Heta Dawasak’ which originated from the students and simply means, ‘A better tomorrow from knowledge gained at the Vidyodaya’. Here the exhibition will take the public through a ‘journey’ of medical wonders, where the public would also have the opportunity of a health check which would include testing of blood pressure, blood group and many more.
Tickets are priced at Rs. 20 for children in uniform; Rs. 30 for those not in uniform and Rs. 50 for adults. |