Oasis PBSCT Room |
The concept that the general public has towards cancers is that in most cases it is not a curable condition. However an important point to consider is that cancers if detected in their early stages are almost always curable. Some cancers which are detected in their later stages also can lead to long term survival rates if treated properly.
The Oasis Medical Oncology Centre was established in the year 2000, under the guidance of Dr. R.S. Jayatilake and is the first cancer medical oncology centre in Sri Lanka. The unit today is in the forefront of the latest cancer treatments and has provided successful cure rates to many. The Sunday Times spoke to Dr. R.S. Jayatilake, Director of the Oasis Medical Oncology Unit on cancers and what the hospital offers with regards to cancer treatments.
"Cancer is a disease which occurs due to the unrestricted growth of any type of cells in the body, these cells multiply within the body until it finally kills the host. Certain types of cancers can be detected in their early stages of development through cancer screening programmes. There are an estimated 240 type of cancers, but in a cancer specialist's lifetime one may not come across all of them", says Dr. Jayatilake.

Oasis-Blood dispensing room |
Cancers also differ according to a country's geographical distribution; however certain cancers are also common to many countries. Out of these the adult cancers contribute to 98% whereas childhood cancers are as low as 2%. A good many of childhood cancers are curable, if treated accurately. In Sri Lanka the number one cancer that affects the female adult is breast cancer; this is also the case in many other parts of the world.
The second commonest cancer to affect the adult female is cervix cancer. In addition to this some other forms of cancers include oral cancers, large bowel cancers, ovarian cancers and blood cancers etc. In males the most common cancers are the mouth and oro-pharynx cancers. The number one cancer that affects children is leukemia and solid tumors which affect the kidneys, brain and other soft tissues.
"In order to arrive at the basis of treatment of a cancer one must be aware of the natural history of a cancer. The extent in which a cancer exerts on the body is categorized as a local disease, loco-regional disease and the distance disease (secondary deposits). In most cases patients usually die of the distance disease, where the cancer has spread to many parts of the body. Treatment of cancers therefore has to cover all three categories. Individuals also go through a pre-cancerous stage, which mainly depends according to ones genetic problems where cancers can be passed down genetically from generation to generation. Polluted environmental conditions and bad health habits, such as smoking and alcohol addiction can also produce changes that contribute towards pre-cancerous conditions", said Dr. Jayatilake.

Oasis-COBE Spectra machine |
Most cancers are preventable and rather than treatment prevention of cancers is the best policy to adopt. There is a vast scale procedure for the prevention of cancers which include educating and building awareness of cancers among the public as well as cancer screening. Treatment of cancers includes surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy and multi modality treatments which is a combination of these treatments. All of these treatments expect for radiotherapy treatments are available at the Oasis Hospital, which uses state-of-the-art facilities and the latest drugs to treat cancer patients.
"In Sri Lanka 95% of the cancers are handled through the state sector cancer centres. 5% of cancers are treated by the private sector per say, out of which the Oasis Medical Oncology Centre, specializes in the treatment of cancers and for which we have established a state-of-the-art chemotherapy centre. We also offer a special Anti Cancer Drug Dispensing Unit which is the first of its kind in Sri Lanka and which offers the entire range of anti cancer drugs some of which are not even available in the state sectors.
The hospital's Anti Cancer Dispensing Unit is run by a specially trained team of oncological nurses. Oasis Hospital is also the first medical institution to offer the Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant (PBSCT) unit, which specializes in treating bone cancers. This unit has been successful in 8 stem cell transplants which is also another first for Sri Lanka. The hospital's Medical Oncology centre also has a Radioactive Iodine Unit which is also the first of its kind to be introduced to Sri Lanka and which has so far successfully treated over 2000 patients", further stated Dr. Jayatilake.
The Oasis Medical Oncology Unit offers treatment for any type of cancers. The hospital's specialized cancer screening programmes offers personalized assistance and care for patients, where their entire medical history and health habits are analyzed before directing them for the required tests. Females are subject to Pap smear and mammogram tests and if required ultra sound and fine needle biopsies are also done according to the medical requirements of patients.
The hospital also offers the services of an expert panel of pathologists who provide their services at all times. Another first provided through the hospital's oncology unit is the urine test specially developed for the early detection of cancers. The Oncology Unit is also the pioneers and experts of thyroid cancer treatments which largely affect young females. This fortunately is one particular type of cancer that can be treated successfully even in its later stages through proper surgery and radioactive iodine treatments.
Any person male or female should adhere to healthy diet habits and must always be aware of the risks involved with cancers. Females especially should start their cancer screening tests after the age of 35 years. You should be vigilant and watch for any forms of unusual bleeding, irregular periods, pigmented moles, ulcers that do not heal etc.
These forms of medical symptoms do not mean that you are suffering from a cancer but they may also be tell-tale signs of undetected cancers. The Oasis Hospital through its Medical Oncology Unit offers cancer patients new hope and successful cure rates, which are provided through the guidance and personalized services of a team of dedicated professionals and staff members.