Now the authorities are trying to conduct a disciplinary inquiry on the little girl who came to the selection trials wearing denim jeans!
Old wine in new bottles
They took away the expenditure from the respective ground authorities and began to spend all the monies for the games from an interim place. However they worked through all these games without a proper budget, they say. Now the authorities have discovered that they have spent almost 60% more than the previous occasions.
Some now say when they pour old wine into new bottles most of it spill out (into someone’s pocket?).
Refurbishing ….my foot!
When the minor staff requested for a salary hike the authorities turned it down citing the low cash flow. Now the new refurbishing job at the hallowed halls is going to cost them over 6 million! Is some one in luck’s way?
They say the big man of the white coat committee was dumbfounded without being able to answer some of the questions put across to him at the three-man bench inquiry held in regard to their complaints.