A few years ago the SMS mode of communication through mobiles was something very new to the average person. So much so that a majority of people thought that this mode of communication would be short lived, but however today SMS has become the most widely used method of communication among individuals.
The mobile phone at present has become apart of a person's daily lifestyle and something that they cannot do without. Mobile phones now offer a plethora of value added services, which include access to the internet, camera, video, voice recording facilities, calculator, emails and computer facilities etc.
In this aspect the mobile phone has become a very effective tool to be used with regarding to promoting customer friendly services. WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) for all mobile users to access Directory Information was recently launched by H.E. the President at Temple Trees in the presence of a distinguished gathering.
The WAP is a good medium to popularize Internet usage via mobile phones in general and particularly enhance the business information flow among mobile users which is estimated to be 13 million across the country. The Sunday Times spoke to Mr. Malraj Balapitiya, the CEO of SLT Publications (Pvt.) Ltd. to find out more about this innovative breakthrough.
"Today for the economy to grow progressively one should have easy access to an effective business information flow. The mobile phone is therefore the best tool to provide this information. It is with this intention in mind that the revolutionary WAP browser was introduced for all mobile users to access our directory information locally or overseas. The WAP browser is easy to install and compared to installing the Internet on your personal computer it is also much more affordable and much more accessible. In addition to this it is also an easy solution to the language barrier, where access to all three languages is offered to the customer", says Mr. Balapitiya.
Demonstrating the WAP Directory Usage Left to Right Mr. Mahinda Rathnayake Deputy General Manager IT, Mr. Malraj Balapitiya CEO, Mr. Ruwan Wijetunga GM/Sales and Marketing and Mr. Sameera Pathirathne Network and IT Officer of SLT Publications. |
WAP is a browser developed to access information through mobiles, which is similar to surfing the Internet through computers. This one-of-a-kind innovation introduced by the SLT, the flagship telecom service provider will unite with other telecom service providers to make directory information available to all mobile phone users.
In the future this facility will also be an effective tool to disseminate information to the mass market. With the mobile phone usage on the increase in Sri Lanka this method of access to information will be most useful to all. In order to gain this facility one has to have Internet access through the mobile phone. Once this is done this facility can be gained through the information provided given on the WAP site (www.rainbowpages.mobi). According to Mr. Ruwan Wijetunga GM/Sales and Marketing, this new product offers access to a host of useful information, which includes emergency numbers and other information, tourist information, road assistance, as well as information on the latest films, restaurant information and other special offers.
In conclusion Mr. Balapitiya said, "We are constantly in the process of upgrading our services and hope to provide an even better service in the future by revolutionizing mobile communications and making the Directory and Rainbow Pages information exclusively available to mobile users via WAP to the mobile user base of around 13 million in Sri Lanka. The SLT Rainbow Pages is proud to have been able to fulfill the President's prerogative to make information technology available to the entire nation. And to further add value to this initiative we will be donating part of the revenue generated from advertising towards the 'Api Wenuwen Api Fund'".
Over the years, the directory-publishing venue at SLT has grown from strength to strength and today it has established itself as a highly diversified source of national information accessible to anyone at any place at any time through mediums such as the Web Protal, Call Centres and Directory CDs etc. This status has further strengthened the status of the Rainbow Pages as the most popular information source in the country. |