Do you think you are getting a great deal when you get a SIM with a bunch of so-called “extras”, such as bonus calls and “ultra-cheap” rates? No, you don’t. Those are only words. The truth is you are being billed well over double, even in the “cents per second” billing.
Have you ever actually timed a call to check how you are being charged? Do that. You will see exactly what is happening. A certain mobile phone company was having a field day and making millions on supposedly “cheap” calls. After being challenged on their so-called “bargain” package, the company quietly changed its tune and its format. However, this may be for only a short while. They could start again.
Don’t be fooled by the ads on TV, radio and print. Spend a little time and check the reality. You should occasionally time your calls. Those of us who fell for the false “perks” offered should be more careful. Don’t make calls indiscriminately. You will have to pay dearly later.