
Standing tall

The National Security Agency head office buildings in Maryland, the Ronald Reagan Cultural Center considered to be the second largest building in the world, the Smithsonian Institution's underground museum, a Senate Office building and the Freer Gallery in Washington D.C., the Martin Luther King Center and the Cyclorama Museum in Atlanta, the Louis Armstrong Museum declared a Landmark building, the Queen's College Library and the tallest concrete building of 35 storeys in New York and the Columbia University………..the list goes on.


Deadly drink

The "Madam" in Lebanon didn't assault her or the "Bossa" sexually abuse her, but they didn't give her to eat, while she slaved day and night. Off and on, as hunger made her faintish, she would surreptitiously steal a rotti with a small piece of fried batu (brinjal) from the fridge, curl up, cover herself with a bed-sheet from head to toe and quickly gulp down a few pieces. Suneetha was desperate, the "contract" (which she had never signed), she had been told stipulated that she had to work for two years, but the two years had gone by with her wages being sent back to her home every two months .......

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