It is significant that President Mahinda Rajapaksa has given priority to Information and Communication Technology in the Mahinda Chintana "Vision for the Future" put before the people at the recent presidential election.
The Mahinda Chintana "Vision for the Future" has analytically explained to the people how Information and Communication Technology would be used in practice for national development.
His Excellency President Mahinda Rajapaksa |
While the "Vision for the Future" includes details about programmes for drawing school leavers towards employment in computer and allied fields it proposes the launching of the newest programme called 'e-life' in conjunction with Nenasala and Vidata Centres.
According to the proposed programme a minimum of 10 'e-life' centres will be set up per Divisional Secretariat.
In addition President Mahinda Rajapaksa has also planned in the Mahinda Chintana "Vision for the Future" to establish a Faculty of Information and Communication Technology in each University.
The Mahinda Chintana "Vision for the Future" has also proposed steps necessary for making this country 75 per cent ICT literate by 2016.
Through the Mahinda Chintana "Vision for the Future" the President has proposed also the formulation of especially a national Information and Communication Technology policy as well as the uninterrupted continuation of the progrmmes currently being implemented.
It is noteworthy that this policy statement placed before the people at the recent presidential election and the general election received resounding approval of the people.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa emphasises that this approbation will form the basis of the implementation of all future activities in Sri Lanka. |