‘Many Species. One Planet. One Future,’ is the theme for this year's World Environment Day (WED) on June 5.
If you've been following our Endangered Animals of Sri Lanka column, you'll know that even though the island has a huge diversity of species, many are under threat from extinction. In fact, over the whole of the earth, 17, 291 species are known to be threatened – from little-known plants and insects to colourful birds and mammals. And while the human population keeps growing, most animal and plant
populations are becoming rarer.
But why is this happening? Reasons include deforestation,
pollution, over fishing and hunting, and climate change. In other words, humans are the main cause of most extinctions.
Our planet has a huge diversity of life – known as 'biodiversity' – all connected together. Small insects help to pollinate the plants and trees that provide food to many
different animals, including humans, while species such as frogs eat
mosquitoes and help control the spread of diseases like Dengue. When even one species is taken out of the intricate web of life, the results can be catastrophic.
Competition details
To celebrate this global day for environmental action, we want your help to remind people that millions
of humans and millions of species all share the same planet, and only together can we enjoy a safer and more prosperous future.
The Funday Times and Rainforest Rescue International are running a poster competition with the theme "Protect Biodiversity. Protect our endangered species."
Entry requirements:
- Competition is open to anyone aged 8 – 16 years
- Closing date to receive all
entries is May 31, 2010
- Poster size should be between
A4 and A3
Send your poster, along with your name, age, address, phone number, school and grade, to:
Rainforest Rescue International, 37C, Wakunagoda Lane, Galle. Sri Lanka.
The prize is:
- A Kodak camera
- A book on the birds of Sri Lanka
- The winning poster printed in the paper
Find out more at, http://srilankawildthing.blogspot.com