Amana Takaful sponsored the Rugby Coaching Programme organized by “Zahira Old Boys’ Rugby Association - ZOBRA” at Excel World recently. It was conducted by Nazim Gaffoor who is an experienced Level 3 coach in the country under the supervision of former national rugby player and coach, Tony Amith.
Members of the ZOBRA Executive Committee attended the programme in sharpening their horizons in latest rugby coaching skills.

Nazim Gaffoor, Senior Manager - Sales and Distribution of Amana Takaful handing over the sponsorship cheque to Naleef Kitchil, General Secretary of ZOBRA. Others in the picture from left are: Tony Amith, Coach / Referee Educator – Asian Rugby Football Union, Ramzeen Slamath – Assistant Treasurer, ZOBRA and M. Shafraz, - Senior Sales Executive, Amana Takaful and Participants of the Coaching Program. |