Dr. Alanton Weerasinghe, Consultant on Biopathy at the Japanese Biopathy Centre located in Nugegoda has previously discussed with us as to how Biopathy can be used to effectively treat many diseases. In this issue he addresses us on how Biopathy can successfully treat High Cholesterol.
High Cholesterol is a condition, where too much cholesterol circulates through the body. Although cholesterol is very important in performing several biological functions, too much of cholesterol can lead to heart disease if not properly addressed. The worst problem with high cholesterol is that you do not know that you have it, unless you have your cholesterol tested.
Dr. Alanton Weerasinghe |
"Cholesterol is immensely important to the working of the human body and it therefore does not wait until the required amount of cholesterol is provided by a person's diet as the body itself has the ability to generate 80% of the required amount of cholesterol.
You may have noticed that under your total cholesterol results many types of cholesterol and triglycerides are also listed. Some of these types of cholesterols can be dangerous to the heart if you have too much of them circulating in your body", says Dr. Weerasinghe.
There are other types of cholesterol that are actually good to have in your body. Understanding the different types of cholesterol circulating within your body will help you to understand the role that these fats play with regards to your health and overall wellbeing in addition to this you will have a better knowledge and understanding of your cholesterol test results.
"Since water and fats do not mix, cholesterol gets chaperoned through the bloodstream by tiny soluble particles called lipoproteins. Today many people are familiar with the two lipoproteins LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) and HDL (High Density Lipoprotein). LDL and HDL cholesterols are very different with regards to how they behave and the way in which they affect a person's health. While HDL is the good type of cholesterol LDL is bad for ones health", further stated Dr. Weerasinghe.
Cholesterol and other lipids can end up lining arteries in waxy deposits called plaque. Continuous plaque build ups can escalate a condition called atherosclerosis which can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Those who have high LDL and low HDL cholesterol have to change their lifestyles and take proper medication in order to bring their cholesterol levels back to normal. Exercise has been shown to lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol. Even if one stopped consuming cholesterol foods entirely your body has the ability to produce enough cholesterol on its own to compensate. Eating foods low in cholesterol is a good start. Also limiting the intake of saturated and trance fats are also very important because their consumption boosts LDL levels.
Some healthy fat foods include avocados, olive oil and nuts. We must also not forget the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and other types of oils. Although these may not lower cholesterol they have the ability to lower triglycerides.
Biopathy medicines are based on natural ingredients which are free from chemicals and other forms of artificial medicines and therefore do not interact with other medicines . Therefore patients undergoing Biopathy treatments can use it alongside other medicines prescribed by their doctors. Biopathy treatments for High Cholesterol too are the same as for other diseases. Biopathy medicine is in powder form and should be taken after dinner but occasionally in rare cases patients are required to take the medicine in the morning.
In conclusion Dr. Weerasinghe said, "There are many factors that can place you at risk of getting high cholesterol these include your age, diet and lifestyle. The intake of high fat foods, smoking and no exercise can contribute to high cholesterol levels.
While high cholesterol is a silent killer it has the ability to present a variety of health problems including heart attacks and strokes. Addressing ones high cholesterols levels through Biopathy in the early stages can help prevent complications later on in life." |