The mind
is the quintessence of the Doctrine,
The keystone to the understanding
Of the nature of reality,
As postulated by the Thathagata.
The human mind,
A total universe, by itself,
Creates its own Heavens and Hells,
Reaching sublime heights of godliness
In the pursuit of moral excellence,
And plunging,at the nether end,
To sordid depths of depravity,
While the iron-clad wheel turns and turns, Inexorably.
Some opine that
Mind is only matter fine-tuned.
No matter!
Mind remains,the cause,
As well as the only means
To move away from the spurring
Catalysts, of craving and attachment.
The seeker after truth,
Eases off the binding ties
Of craving and desire,
By the practice of unremitting mental discipline
And the assiduous adherence to the Arya Ashtangika Marga-
The Noble Eightfold Path,
The way shown by the Thathagata,
To break the cycle,
Of continuing “temporariness”.