Morning Star - Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro warned on Monday that a US-Israeli attack on Iran is "imminent" and predicted that this could trigger a global nuclear war.
In a special appearance on state-run television for the first time in nearly a year, the Communist leader described US and Israeli sabre-rattling over Iran's civil nuclear energy programme as "the most serious crisis" on the international scene because "the Iranian government will not retreat."
Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro sits at a meeting with foreign ambassadors in Havana Friday. Reuters |
"The Iranians have been preparing themselves for 30 years, and have acquired all the Russian and Chinese aeroplanes and weapons necessary for their defence," Mr Castro said. "They are training all people between the ages of 12 and 60 - just the Guardians of the Revolution have a million members," he added.
And Mr Castro insisted that the US sank the South Korean Cheonan warship in order to justify an attack on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
He said that "in the face of a massive attack against Iran, North Korea will not wait to be attacked, and a nuclear war will also break out in that zone.
"When they decide to attack Iran, one war after the other will be unleashed," he declared.
The veteran Communist spoke out at a delicate time politically for Cuba, as it begins releasing 52 prisoners under a landmark deal brokered with Spanish officials and the Catholic church.
The men were all arrested in a crackdown on US-backed subversion in 2003.
Excerpts from Fidel Castro's speech which was published in the Granma International on July 11, 2010:
I affirmed on July 4 that neither the United States nor Iran would give in; "one, due to the pride of the powerful, and the other, out of resistance to the yoke and the capacity to fight, as has occurred so many times in the history of humanity..."
In almost all wars, one of the parties wishes to avoid them, and sometimes, both. On this occasion, it would come about even though one of the parties does not wish it, as happened in the two World Wars in 1914 and 1939, with only 25 years of distance before the first outbreak and the second.
The slaughters were horrific, they would not have been unleashed without prior errors of calculation. The two parties were defending imperialist interests and they believed that they would obtain their objectives without the terrible cost that that implied.
In the case that concerns us: one of them is defending national, absolutely just interests. The other is pursuing illegitimate intentions and crude material interests.
If we analyze all the wars that have taken place, starting from the known history of our species, one of the parties has sought those objectives.
Any illusion that, on this occasion, such objectives will be reached without the most terrible of all wars is absolutely vain.
File picture: Iran testing its missiles in preparation for any US or Israeli attacks. |
In one of the best articles published by the Global Research website on Thursday, July 1, signed by Rick Rozoff, he provides abundant indisputable arguments on the United States intentions, of which any well-informed person must be aware:
"... Victory can be attained when an adversary knows it is vulnerable to an instantaneous and undetectable, overwhelming and devastating attack without the ability to defend itself or retaliate," is what the United States thinks, according to the author.
"... A country which aspires to remain the only state in history to wield full spectrum military dominance on land, in the air, on the seas and in space."
"... To maintain and extend military bases and troops, aircraft carrier battle groups and strategic bombers on and to almost every latitude and longitude. To do so with a post-World War II record war budget of $708 billion for next year."
Rozoff lists the many press conferences, meetings and statements of Joint Chiefs of Staff and high-ranking members of the government of the United States in the last few months.
He explains the commitments to NATO and the reinforced cooperation with Near East allies, primarily, read Israel. He says, "The U.S. is also intensifying space and cyber warfare programmes with the potential to completely shut down other nations' military surveillance and command, control, communications, computer and intelligence systems, rendering them defenseless on any but the most basic tactical level."
He speaks of the signing in Prague, on April 8 of this year, of the new START Treaty between Russia and the United States, which "does not contain any constraints on current or planned U.S. conventional prompt global strike capability."
In essence, Obama is trying to deceive the world by talking of a humanity free of nuclear weapons, which would be replaced by other extremely destructive ones, ideal for terrorizing state leaders and achieving the new strategy of total impunity.
Every day the possibilities of overcoming the insurmountable obstacle are reducing further.
What is going to happen is so evident that it can be foreseen in an almost exact form. |