Leonard Cheshire Disability Resource Centre (LCDRC) is a registered voluntary agency which has been instrumental in promoting and protecting the human rights of disabled people for the past 5 years.
Comprehensive package of rehabilitation services through cutting edge strategies with rights based approach has enabled thousands of disabled people to live a life with dignity. The main thematic areas of LCDRC is to ensure the right to education for children with disabilities through Inclusive Education, ensure the right vocational training and decent employment through livelihood support, reducing the impact of disabilities through health and rehabilitation and amplifying the voice of Persons with disabilities through advocacy and Campaigning.
Young voices are a global campaigning network of young disabled people involved in raising and addressing the issues of people with disabilities. Young disabled people with different categories of impairments are organized in groups of ten to fifteen. Such groups have been effectively functioning in nineteen countries of the world and have succeeded in making significant changes in the lives of the fellow disabled people through out the countries where they exist.
They have been equipped with necessary knowledge and skills in order to raise and address the issues concerning people with disabilities. Capacity building is an important element of young voices programmes constantly carried by Leonard Cheshire Disability. Almost all the young people with disabilities have being given trainings on leadership skills and qualities effective communication, public relations, personality building, disability and development, advocacy and campaigning, rights based approach to disability, video making and voicing etc.
Asia regional meet on film making and audio broadcasting was organized in Colombo at global towers from 3rd to 6th August 2007 with the main objective of equipping them with required knowledge and skills to make short film and audio recording. 16 participants including 9 females from India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Philippine took part in the training programme.
Renowned documentary film makers and broadcasting experts trained the participants. At the end of the training programme each country will have to make a film and audio recording on specific issues of their context. Young Voices have being given video cameras and other necessary equipments for them to make films.
Her Excellency Ms. Patricia A. Butenis, US ambassador to Sri Lanka graced the second day reception and interacted with the participants at the workshop. Young Voices across the globe including Sri Lanka have made many short films highlighting the issues of Disabled People and uploaded on youtube.
Over 30.000 viewers have viewed these films and given their feed back. Those who are interested to watch short film on the struggle of disabled people can visit at http://www.youtube.com/youngvoiceslcd For further information, please contact 0112301350/51 |