My memories at Wycherley are unforgettable! When I think of my childhood days at Wycherley, I think of how proud I am to have been educated within those great walls of wisdom.
Here lies a simple and yet humble school that produces outstanding students. What makes this simple school a cut above the rest?

Ishan Gunasekera |
The secret behind this are the unchanged great teachers, the respected principal and the strict discipline that the school maintains. Wycherley's concern was to produce the finest students to the society.
I remember as a child how I grew up, being mentored by the best teachers that a child could get! I was not one of those brilliant kids who went to school and excelled in school; I was one of those mischievous kids who used to be very playful and often got punished.
I used to be denied my play time and be in the room of my headmistress doing the work that I had left undone from the previous day. My headmistress used to tell me "No work means no play."
That's where I learnt my priorities. Sitting in class and doing work was something that did not attract me much. The school had tough standards and to keep up with the rest, we needed to put in extra effort. My teachers had the ability to change and guide me in the right direction.
Our school was divided into two sections physically, the Junior School and the Senior School. This also created a great impact on the students.
As kids, we were scared to move to the Senior School; that period of transition unnerved the Junior School students as the senior students always said that it was a place where academic work was very tough.
This made us prepare ourselves more to cope up with the standards. The entrance exam to the Senior School was Wycherley's barometer to judge if the student were ready to take the next step in his or her life or if they needed to be mentored further.
Fortunately, everyone manages to jump over the fence to move on to the final step in their life, before they face the real world outside, thanks to our tough standards.
Wycherley always managed to excel in studies and achieve many outstanding awards in the island and also internationally. This credit should be given to our dedicated, excellent teachers at Wycherley.
Some people complain that Wycherley does not have modern state-of-the-art facilities that some other fancy schools provide. I disagree; Wycherley provides the students with all the necessary facilities. But not modern or not fancy enough, to make them spoilt students.
It's true that our classrooms are a bit old or we may not have had the best looking desk to study on, but Wycherley always managed to put the best education on our desk. That's what mattered most!!
When I think of my childhood days at Wycherley, it brings back many pleasant memories and always makes me smile.
All the great times we had and the great friends we had. I miss those wonderful days!
When we were schooling as kids, we always thought; "when will I finish school".
But now we regret that thought. I wish I had a chance to go back in time to those pleasant days where we used to play basketball, be terrified when we were about to get our exam results, looking at the watch, waiting impatiently for the choir leader to enter class and announce that the choristers are needed for practice, giving us the opportunity to sneak away from class work, waiting eagerly to hear the results of the winning team at the Sports Meet and Swimming Meet, counting the hours for our P.E. period to begin.
These are great times that Wycherley has contributed to my pleasant memories as a child.
As we were growing up into young adults, it was clear to me that, it was your personality that mattered, not your background where you came from.
It was not about who you were in society. It never mattered if your dad was a doctor, businessman, engineer or some big shot in society. We all went through the same education and our ethnicity never mattered to anyone.
Everyone was equal within the walls of Wycherley.
What makes Wycherley so special is not its location or its look. It's the people and culture that creates an everlasting impact on the students.
Wycherley has contributed a lot to make me become the person I am today, giving me the ability, confidence and opportunity to be a successful entrepreneur not only in the island but also in the International Market.
What I value and respect in Wycherley is the strict discipline that is maintained within those great walls.
I'm proud to say that throughout all these times she has remained unchanged! The reputed name and the fine students she produces are her only proof.
Wycherley! we bow in respect for what you have made us become today.
I thank my wonderful parents for giving me the opportunity to attend Wycherley and I thank my wonderful school for all the guidance to help me become the successful person I am today.
I am and always will be a proud WYCHERLEY WIZARD!
- Ishan Gunasekera,
B.B.A. (Dual Major).
in Business Management/Marketing, Northwood University, Michigan USA.Director The Southern Force Pvt Ltd. (Sri Lanka)
Director, Sintara International LLC (USA)
Associate Director, Business Development AmeRuss Clinical Trials LLC (USA)