Laureate Hospitality Education, the leading hospitality management education group, manages eight of the most reputed institutions in the world that provides hospitality, tourism, event, sport and entertainment management education.
Laureate Hospitality Education is a unique and global group of institutions that provides hospitality, tourism, event, sport and entertainment management education to students from over 100 countries. It is comprised of 8 premium and leading institutions in 5 countries and 4 continents, thus offering the industry an amazing pool of talents as well as an active network of alumni worldwide.
Schools include Glion Institute of Higher Educ ation, Les Roches Intern ational School of Hotel Management, Les Roc hes Gruyère University of Appl ied Sciences in Switzerland - Les Roches International School of Hotel Management in Spain - Les Roches Jin Jiang Intern ational Hotel Management College in Shang hai China - Kendall College in Chicago USA - Blue Mountains Inter national Hotel Management School and Australian International Hotel School in Australia
GLION INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION and LES ROCHES INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT in SWITZERLAND have been ranked by hiring managers among the top three hotel management schools in the world for an international career.
Our institutions are fully accredited, hence ensuring quality programmes delivered to all our students. Laureate Hospitality Education is constantly ensuring that its curricula, teaching methodology and student lifestyle fully develop all the appropriate skills to prepare graduates for their careers and to become tomorrow's industry leaders.
For further information, please check our website: or contact our Official Swiss Representative in Sri Lanka, Mrs. Arlette Palmer: mobile 0777 877202