The European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN) have pledged to continue its assistance to rebuild Sri Lanka in a joint partnership. Dirk Meganck, Director of the EuropeAid Cooperation Office attending the launch of a documentary featuring joint coopration projects carried out in Sri Lanka on Monday said that the two organizations will continue its support to Sri Lanka. "The EU and UN have not only supported Sri Lanka during times of difficulty and war but will continue to assist the country in its post conflict development as the joint partnership between the two organisations has proved to be successful," he assured.
The EU in cooperation with the UN have completed a wide range of projects covering various sectors in the areas of rehabilitation, reconstruction and development assistance in Sri Lanka, he said.
In a statement issued jointly, the EU and the UN said the two organizations have cooperated successfully to meet short and long term needs of the country's people. The EU has granted funds amounting to 82 million Euros ($112 million) to the United Nations in the last 5 years for emergency relief, reconstruction and rehabilitation activities, and development projects in Sri Lanka. The 27-member EU is the largest contributor to the UN funds amounting to almost 40 percent of its regular budget, according to the UN.
The major part of the European Union's post-Tsunami grant funding for reconstruction to Sri Lanka was managed through the UN to rebuild the Tsunami stricken district of Ampara in particular, while extending Support to the districts of Matara, Hambantota, Batticaloa, Trincomalee, and Jaffna as well, the statement said.
Neil Buhne, UN Resident Coordinator/Humanitarian Coordinator said that by working jointly the two organizations have achieved more than working separately and hoped for the partnership to extend to other communities."The combination of a strong UN experience and partnership with local authorities, and communities, with key EU inputs on project design, monitoring and funding, is producing results with a lasting impact," Mr Buhne noted.
The two organizations have been working together in Sri Lanka for many years supporting diverse sectors including infrastructure, shelter, education, livelihoods, water and sanitation, environment, health and food security in close collaboration with the Sri Lankan authorities. |