The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) recently organised the first in a series of debates based on proficiency in the Tamil language. The first debate of this series was held on December 22 at the CBSL Head Office. Two teams, comprising four members each, participated in the debate on the topic, “Living in the village is better than living in the city”.
In the picture from left – J.K.Gnanathilake, H.B.S.Deshapriya, Ms W. M.Premachandra, D.D.A.Dharmakeerthi, Ms G.Purathani (moderator), Ms P.A.Samarasinghe, A.K.S.Priyantha, W.M.Chandrasekara Banda and Ms W. S. D. Chandrasekara. |
The topic was proposed by the team headed by D.D.A. Dharmakeerthi while the team headed by Ms P.A. Samarasinghe debated against. The moderator was Ms G.Purathani.
In February 2010, the CBSL in collaboration with the Department of Official Languages (DOL) launched a scheme to facilitate its staff to enhance their proficiency in the Tamil language.
The objective of this scheme was to provide the staff with the necessary skills in both Sinhala and Tamil languages so as to enable them to discharge their duties effectively in any part of the country. Around 200 Sinhala speaking officers of the CBSL participated in this programme and the majority of the officers sat the written and oral examination conducted by the DOL in December 2010, according to CBSL statement.
“This new initiative (debates) is expected to assist in building closer bonds amongst the staff in the CBSL, as well as set an example to other institutions in the country,” it said.