Sunshine yellow, eye-wateringly tangy no wonder most people like lemons.
Now, in a new book, a former GP proclaims lemons are nothing short of a miracle, capable of soothing and stopping an array of ailments. Lemons can help with an array of ailments such as cold sores, weight gain, gallstones, urine infection, indigestion, muscle pain and constipation
Lemon contains a compound, limonene, which has antiviral properties. It is found mainly in the peel, but also in the juice. Lemon oil can also help by excluding air from a sore.
ACTION: Apply lemon juice to a cold sore several times a day, using a clean cotton pad each time, or add a drop of lemon oil to two teaspoons of sweet almond oil and apply this to the cold sore.
Lemons contain pectin, a natural fibre and gelling agent, which mops up fat stored by the body, and reduces absorption; researchers in Texas also found that pectin helps you feel full.
Lemon acids and pectin can slow the absorption of sugar after a meal. So cooking with lemon juice or sprinkling it on food can prevent low blood-sugar dips, which can trigger hunger pangs and overeating.
The vitamin C in lemons also helps us to produce carnitine — an amino acid that helps our body burn fat.
Studies at Arizona State University found that volunteers with adequate vitamin C burned 30 per cent more fat during exercise than those with low levels. In a separate study of obese women trying to lose weight, those who took vitamin C lost twice as much.
ACTION: Include the zest and juice of a lemon in your daily diet.
Most gallstones are made up of cholesterol, formed when the liver or gall- bladder do not successfully expel it. A lack of stomach acid (as caused by ageing, stress, or medications such as antacids or acid-suppressants) discourages gallbladder contractions.
Acidic foods such as lemon juice before a meal can mimic stomach acid, and encourage the gallbladder to contract and expel small stones.
Lemons are also rich in anti-oxidants, which studies have found to discourage gallstones.
ACTION: If you have stones, take one tablespoon each of lemon juice and olive oil an hour before breakfast each day.
If infection is making your urinary tract inflamed and sore, overly acidic urine — for example, from an unhealthy diet — will worsen the pain. The urine’s normal pH (acid–alkaline balance) varies from 4.5 to 9, the ideal perhaps being 5.8 to 6.8. Surprisingly, the metabolism of lemon juice in the body has a mildly alkalising effect that can help restore your urine to its normal state.
ACTION: Consume the juice of half a lemon two or three times a day, neat or sprinkled on food.
Potassium in lemons helps to regulate body fluids, and their magnesium relaxes arteries. They also contain flavonoids — nutrients known to promote healthy vessels. Lemons also add flavour to foods, so can be used as a healthy alternative to salt.
One small lemon’s vitamin C can boost levels of nitric oxide, a gas which sends a signal to the body to relax and widen blood vessels.Finally, lemon juice resembles some hypertension medications known as ACE-inhibitors — it inhibits the production in the kidneys of the hormone angiotensin, which is known to raise blood pressure by constricting blood vessels.
ACTION: Include the zest and juice of a lemon in your daily diet.
Lemons can act as a venous tonic as they have strengthening, tightening and anti-inflammatory effects on vein walls.
ACTION: Massage your legs with a mixture of two drops of lemon, two of lavender and three of cypress essential oils in two tablespoons of sweet almond or other carrier oil.
Psoriasis refers to patches of thick, flaking skin, often on the knees, elbows, scalp or elsewhere. Itw sounds unlikely but citric acid in lemon juice can ease dryness and flaking — it helps the skin retain water and encourages the exfoliation of dead skin cells.
In addition, the juice of a lemon contains psoralens, a natural chemical found in many plants wwhich is highly sensitive to the sun’s UVA rays and reacts on the skin’s cells.
Many dermatologists prescribe psoralens orally or to be applied to the skin, combined with UVA therapy for psoriasis.
ACTION: Smooth lemon juice over psoriasis patches several times a day, then expose them to sunlight for a few minutes a day, increasing the time over several weeks.
Lemons are rich in pectin, a type of fibre which forms a gel in the bowel that encourages easier bowel movements. Another fibre in lemons is cellulose, which attracts water. This makes stools bulkier and softer and reduces their transit time.
ACTION: Include the zest and juice of a lemon in your daily diet.
(Courtesy Daily Mail, UK) |