The Mallika Nivasa Samithiya celebrated another milestone in its journey of dedicated service- its 90th anniversary – ‘Anuwaka Abimanaya’ at the Galle Face Hotel on February 26.
President Mrs. Rohini Abeysekera in her welcome speech traced the society’s history from the time in 1921 when well known philanthropist Mrs. Mallika Hewavitarne had the vision to found a haven for destitute women in a house at Visakha Road, Bambalapitiya.
Traditional lighting of the pahana: In the picture from left to right are Ms Sumithra Moonasinghe, President Mallika Nivasa Samithiya Mrs Rohini Abeysekera, guests of honour, Mrs. Rohini Nanayakaara, Dr. Mrs. Kalyani Nihalsinghe, Senior Deputy General Manager of the Bank of Ceylon Ms. W.A. Nalini and Mrs. Swarna Amaratunga |
President Mrs Rohini Abeysekera presents a token of appreciation |
The home was begun with just two women; the Mallika Nivasa Samithiya now oversees the welfare of over 90 women.
Long recognized as one of the best homes for elderly women, it has expanded its services to include a home for infants, a boys’ home at Ragama, a dementia ward and paying accommodation for ladies.
The evening began with a documentary being screened on the history of the society. Then it was time to cut the anniversary cake and for the presentation of awards to past presidents.
Chief guest Mrs Sumitra Moonesinghe spoke of the work carried out by the home and the need for paying accommodation to cater to a larger clientele.
General Secretary Mrs Savitri Peiris gave the vote of thanks.
Performances by the Channa Upuli dance troupe and by violinist Ananda Dabare and soloist Menaka Fonseka Sahabandu delighted the audience.
The proceeds of the well-attended event will go to the Magalakanda Baudha Kanishta Vidyalaya, Maggona for the construction of two new classrooms and repairs to the roof of the school.
The event was sponsored by the Bank of Ceylon and co-sponsored by H. Don Carolis and Sons Ltd, Chemanex Plc and Nobles Pvt Ltd. |