An awareness programme to educated elected members and relevant officials of the Kotte Municipal Council on Crowns for food Hygiene programme was held on 26th April at sovereign Hotel at Rajagiriya. Mrs. Swarna De Silva, the Mayor of the Kotte Municipal Council was the chief guest of the programme. Crowns scheme initially implemented in the Colombo Municipal council area in which several star classes Hotel and franchised food outlets have been awarded the crowns.
When an organization joins the "Crowns for Food Hygiene" programme, the Ind-Expo Certification Company launches a methodical investigation of the food storage, preparation and supply adhering to internationally accepted standards. Then, that organization is certified for Excellent (5 Crowns), Very Good (4 Crowns), Good (3 Crowns), Fair (2 Crowns) and Poor (1 Crown) depending on the assessment. After the grading, the Ind-Expo Certification Company will issue a certificate and a sticker with Number of Crown symbols, valid for one year only. The sticker can be displayed to the customers and the details of the organization will be posted on the website
The programme which is funded by the Royal Nowagian Gonvenment through United National Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), has been implemented by the Ind-Expo Certification (Pvt)Ltd which is non-Profit Certification body established by the Ceylon National Chamber of Industries (CNCI) and National Chamber of Expoerters (NCE) |