Four players that the Sri Lanka will depend heavily at the 2011 ISTAF World Cup Sepaktakraw Competition in Malaysia will be Aruna Fernando, the experienced T.A.Faleel, M.J.M.Isanullah and T.Z. Hajireen. The competition will take place from July 21 to 24 at the Stadium Titiwangsa, Kuala Lumpur.
The local team has been hard at practice under the guidance of Nizam Hajireen, the local team’s coach and the President of the Amateur Sepaktakraw Association of Sri Lanka. For the newcomers, the game resembles volleyball but played with a rattan ball without the use of hands. It also involves daring overhead kicks.
From Left: Aruna Fernando, T.A. Faleel, M.J.M.Isanullah and T.Z. Hajireen |
W.W.Aruna N.Fernando has figured in sepaktakraw since 1995 as a "Feeder" and "Tekong" (service kicker).Toured Thailand in 1995 and 2005 for the Thai King's Cup Championships. He is a utility player who can fit into any position in the team. A member of the Garudas Sports Club Sepaktakraw Team.
T.A.Faleel – Has figured in sepaktakraw since 1986 and is the oldest player in the team. He is essentially a service- kicker. Has toured Malaysia in 1990 and Thailand in 2006 for sepaktakraw competitions. A member of the Kolonnawa Sepaktakraw Team.
M.J.M.Isanullah - A newcomer to sepaktakraw having first played in 2009 and toured Thailand in 2009, and 2010 for the King's Cup World sepaktakraw Championships. Plays as a feeder. A member of the Garudas Sports Club sepaktakraw team.
T.Z.Hajireen - An Internationally qualified Sepaktakraw Referee nominated to officiate at the ISTAF World Cup 2011. He is also the Chairman of the Technical Committee of the Amateur Sepaktakraw Association and has officiated at the Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games, and 2010 King's Cup World Sepaktakraw Championship In Thailand. |