
Get an Australian degree that gives you job readiness - Join UniSA

Founded in January 1991 University of South Australia - UniSA - is the largest university in South Australia. It is a modern, progressive and international institution with almost 34,000 students, including approximately 9,900 international students and many from Sri Lanka. With one of the largest international student populations in the nation, UniSA continues to be a popular choice for students from overseas wishing to study in Australia.

The university is a member of the "Australian Technology Network" (ATN), an alliance of five prominent universities from each mainland state, "Universities Australia", the council of Australia's universities that advances higher education through voluntary, co-operative and coordinated action and "Open Universities Australia" (OAU), which delivers distance education programmes throughout Australia using a variety of media.

UniSA is committed to educating professionals, creating and applying knowledge, engaging the communities, maintaining cultural diversity among our staff and students, and providing equitable access to education. In 2010 the university graduated over 9,000 students who have now gone out into the world as problem-solvers of the future, contributing to the economic and social sustainability of Australia and indeed the world.

There are 4 main Divisions - Business, Education, Arts & Social Sciences, Health Sciences and Information Technology Engineering & the Environment with 18 schools under them. The Division of Business is one of only eight Australian business schools, and one of only 130 in the world, to hold the prestigious European Quality Improvement System accreditation. UniSA's MBA has again been awarded 5 stars by the Graduate Management Association of Australia. In the 2010 QS World University Rankings, UniSA ranked 281st out of the world's more than 10,000 universities showed the biggest improvement from 2009 of any Australian university.

UniSA is investing more funds to improve its quality of courses and infrastructure facilities. Over $173m of which $75m is by way of federal and state government support and is invested to ensure that all of the undergraduate programmes include exposure to research, practice-based learning or service to the community, in a new online learning environment and lecture recording system, a new student learning centre at the City West Campus and a Materials and Minerals Science Learning and Research facility at Mawson Lakes.

Though a young university, UniSA is in the forefront of research too. The strength of the university is its strong links with industry. Solving difficult problems and finding creative solutions, is the cornerstone of UniSA's collaborative work with industry. The success of UniSA's research is in its real-world application.
Economies around the world are increasingly being built on knowledge-based industries and in today's competitive job market, employers seek dedicated and self-motivated employees.

A university degree which is the perfect way to demonstrate your capabilities, it also has to be a testament to your commitment and self-motivation. The University of South Australia offers a wide range of professionally relevant and career focused undergraduate and postgraduate programs that will provide you with the knowledge and experience to take up an active role in a global workplace.

Jenny Arkun of UniSA International will be conducting interviews for prospective students at Edlocate Colombo office on Wednesday 07th September. Please call Edlocate and make a firm appointment.

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