And it took place again….! The Islamic Students’ Majlis of Wesley College celebrated its 51st anniversary in grand style. The Islamic Day 2012 of Wesley College which was held for the 45th time on March 10th at 2.30 pm at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute Auditorium was a massive success, with the participation of over 500 guests including students from leading schools in the island.
This event was graced by the chief guest Mr. Riza Yehiya who has a built environment and sustainability consultant, and guest speaker Mr. Ehsan Iqbal and also the principal of Wesley Dr. Shanti Mclelland and vice principal Mr. Cresant Jayawardana, and other distinguished guests who delivered highly remarkable comments as well as appreciation for organizing this event in a magnificent way. The President of the ISMWC, Ahamed Hussain in his message stated about the hardships faced along the days of organizing this event and thanked all the stakeholders of the ISMWC for being with the committee throughout to make his dream a reality.
The event compered by the assistant secretaries of ISMWC Aslam Nalir and Khabeer Sharker started off in style with the traditional welcome song sung by the students of Wesley from Grade six and above followed by the opening Arabic recital by a member of the executive junior committe of the ISMWC, Ikramul Hassen.
And then the day’s proceedings continued with beautiful songs, presentations backed by the editors, Rifdhi Azad, Imfaz Iqbal and Bilaal Yoosuf and a humorous drama by the junior executive committee of the ISMWC which delivered a message “The importance of prayers” which comes under the theme of the event “Faith and the community”
Methodist College Colombo which is the sister school of Wesley too contributed by performing an Arabic song which added more colour to the success of the event.
The awards for the winners of the interschool Islamic competitions which had taken place on February 29th at the College premises was awarded on this day where Zahira College Colombo emerged champions of the “Do You Know” competition and Isipathana College as champions of the “Calligraphy” competition, followed by the presentation of awards for the intergrades competition award winners.
The event left the crowd asking for more and also with a message that definitely struck with a blow that the ISMWC in the years to come have lot more to offer to the society at large.
