Sri Lanka’s Infotechs Ltd is hosting a workshop by Gigi Wang who sits on the boards of the MIT/Stanford Venture Lab and the Wireless Communications Alliance which are leading high tech forums in the Silicon Valley promoting entrepreneurship, along with technology and business innovation.
The workshop/seminar will be held on August 8 in Colombo.
“She will be addressing on ‘Lessons from the Successes of the Silicon Valley – what Sri Lankan Technology leaders, managers, entrepreneurs, educators, investors, bankers and policy makers can learn and do’ and she will discuss how entrepreneurial companies recognize, enhance and harness the creative talents of the human spirit,” Susantha Pinto, Chairman Infotechs Group of Companies said in a media release.
He added that her main goals in visiting Sri Lanka are to assist Sri Lankan entrepreneurs and businesses understand the success drivers for innovation and entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley, while learning about the different models for nurturing and incubating entrepreneurs.
“She will also develop and refine model(s) to replicate the innovation and entrepreneurial success of Silicon Valley, adapted for the Sri Lankan business culture,” he said, adding that she will also address the role played by the two leading global academic centers, MIT and Stanford in the Silicon Valley in creating the environment that produced Google, Apple, Facebook and others.
Ms Wang a frequent speaker at entrepreneur and innovation conferences around the world. |