
21st December 1997


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All I want for Christmas is a roof over my head

by Mihiri Wikramanayake

While most of the city is busy getting ready for the upcoming Christmas celebration, in downtown Wellawatte there is a sad predicament.

A pathetic situation, where 150 inmates of the Sri Lankadhara Home for the less fortunate are suffering the hardships of rain and wind and its aftermath.

Sri Lankadhara HomeThe roof of this huge building that houses these orphans is in such utter disrepair that on every rainy occasion the children beneath this roof scramble to find a dry spot to lay their heads down.

"The wet places are getting bigger and the dry spots smaller," said Ms. Lasandha Wadugodapitiya, vice president of the Sri Lankadhara Society.

"Due to the leaking roof because of the continuing bad weather the children suffer from colds, coughs and their general well being has been badly affected", she added.

Mrs. Wadugodapitiya, one of the society's more dedicated members, spends most of her days comforting the 95 girls between the ages of five to 18 housed in the Balika Home. The girls attend the Lumbini Junior school situated right next to the building. This school which once belonged to the Sri Lankadhara Society, is now a government school with a student population of 500.

After an education upto the O/L's, these girls are expected to find employment. Therefore, the Home strives to train these girls in vocational projects like weaving, needlework, lacemaking, knitting and toy making.

Ms. Wadugodapitiya, proudly says that four of "her girls" were selected from an islandwide art competition on the theme on peace, sponsored by the Interact District 3220 and their cards were printed into Christmas cards. Many have excelled in studies as well. (See also Mirror Magazine)

Looking for love

Four-year-old Ruwan was found by social workers, abandoned in a motel room by his mother, when he was just one-year-old. He cannot remember his family. However, the sparkling eyes and cheerful smile belies the temporary happiness he had found in the love and kindness of his caregivers.

The Infants Home, under the guidance of Mrs. Dilrukshi Samara-wira, today houses upto 35 children under the ages of five.

This Home is kept clean and as cheery as possible. The children are washed and fed by a matron and girls from the Balika Home who show exceptional patience.

While some of these may play around cheerfully, there will be those who would cry for a mother who has abandoned them or a father who has forgotten his child.

The Senior Citizens Home has 35 inmates. These old folk are encouraged to spend their leisure time in occupational therapy such as beeralu and lace making, all of which help them to get a small income.

In dire need

The Sri Lanka dhara Society which was founded 75 years ago by Dr and Ms. W.A de Silva of Wellawatte is now in dire need of contributions to maintain their act of goodwill.

The estimated cost of the repair of the building's roof is Rs 1.6 million. As this society is a voluntary non-governmental organization, it has been recognised by the authorities as an "approved charity". Therefore all contributions are tax free.

So this Christmas while our hearts and homes are brimming with goodwill and love towards family and friends, it is worthwhile remembering these less fortunate.

It would be a great gesture to contribute something towards the one wish these children want... because all they want for Christmas is a roof over their heads.

Show a little kindness this Christmas and send a contribution in aid of the Roof Repair Fund of the Sri Lankadhara Society Limited, 95, W.A. de Silva Mawatha, Colombo 6.

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