Our lovely cover girl Dilki Weerasinghe displays creations from
the 'Haddai' label by Sonali White in our fashion spread this week. Shobi
from Salon Naresh handled Dilki's hair and make-up and she was photographed
for the Mirror Magazine by Mettasena
there moral values anymore?
My darling daughter,
A few days ago a friend of mine was quite aghast at the uncensored
views of sexual exploits and aberrations that the media was highlighting.
'Just imagine,' she said, 'those were things that would never have been
spoken about openly. Even if such things happened then, and they must have
- it was all hush hush.' Another of my friends who was present disagreed
with her. 'It is better to be open about such things,' she said.
I wondered which of them was right? Whom would you agree with, daughter?
I like to think that you will agree with me to that extent that some things
are not meant to be broadcast to all and sundry.
What a person does in the privacy of his home should not be a matter
to be displayed for the consumption of the general public. A term that
comes to my mind is the phrase 'a sense of shame'. I think that this 'sense'
would effectively cover those situations which today are so blatantly discussed
even in front of the young, admitted and accepted. It is in a sense this
sense of shame that helps us to preserve our own dignity, no-one would
think of parading the streets naked, and yet some appear to take immense
pride in parading naked their lack of morals and their experience of sexual
relationships outside the norm!
Many years ago the young were protected from such disclosures. A
sense of shame prevented adults discussing such matters even if they did
exist in the presence of their children. Today by our attitudes we tend
to make the young feel that permissiveness is an another way of behaviour.
I guess this is due to the fact that with the influence especially
of western electronic media our eastern reticence is been eroded. By doing
so we have let the world intrude into our privacy and belittle our concepts
of right and wrong. It is sometimes better to be a little old fashioned.
I wish, daughter, that you will cherish those old fashioned notions that
deemed that certain speech and modes of behavior were too shameful to discuss
or display in public. The phrase, a sense of shame will pave a path, which
will be free from the dirt of a lax morality.
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