to let go
My darling daughter,
I am sure you can guess who said this to me, 'It is difficult to
think that from next week Shanti will be Anil's wife, she will not be living
here with me and I will no longer be the centre of her life.' Yes, it was
none other than Aunty Nirmala who was in a very sad mood and came to meet
me, feeling perhaps that I would sympathize with her.
Shanti has always been the pivot around whom Aunty Nirmala's life
revolved. It is not that she resents Shanti getting married, in fact she
welcomes the idea, but the thought of living alone, knowing that now to
Shanti there will be different priorities makes her sad and unhappy. She
feels so much alone now. I could understand her feelings. It was in a sense
similar to what I felt when you went abroad. It is so difficult to 'let
go' and yet it is so necessary.
I think, in a way, a mother learns it first when the baby she cuddled
and protected takes his first steps - for with those first fumbling steps
he learns the process of moving away. Then as the child grows older, the
mother ceases to be the centre of his little world, he seeks other friends
and has other interests and each step that makes the child independent
requires a 'letting go'. How much we long to keep the child with us, protecting
and caring for him, but yet for the sake of the child we have to learn
to 'let go'.
There comes a time when to 'let go' seems so difficult, when children
embark on a career of their own, get married, leave home and move out of
our lives. We long so much to keep them back, often we even think of our
love for them as a sacrifice and try to hold them back by means of a gratitude
that we impose on them. But that is wrong, daughter. I do not think what
any parent does for a child is done through a notion of sacrifice. It is
done because love desires it and it is unfair to demand from any child
gratitude as a means of preventing that child from moving away.
I often think, daughter 'to let go' expresses the greatest gift of
love, for you are freeing the other, allowing him to find his own way unshackled
by the bonds of a possessive love.
It is difficult, as I told Aunty Nirmala, but it is the only way
to show that whatever we did was done through a love that did not take
into account oneself and therefore we are not expecting gratitude as a
return. I am sure that though Shanti is leaving to get married, yet she
will not forget all that Aunty Nirmala has done for her, and she will be
always there to help.
Do you agree with the thoughts I have written about 'letting go'.
I think even in a marriage it is important. One cannot totally possess
another. One has to 'let go' for as has been said, a bird that is caged
will struggle to be free. Let me know what you think, for often I wonder
whether my thoughts to you are acceptable in this world of yours.
The Culture Vulture
Lazy Sunday
It's Sunday and it's a lazy one; you know the type of Sunday after a
huge Saturday out when you wake up feeling awful and just feel like vegging
out and chilling out. Here's how to do it:
Choose the right ambience
Set and setting is important. Today I have chosen my bedroom, which
is quite cosy by itself and made even more so by the fact that I have shut
the windows and drawn the curtains. An important point to note here is
that in addition to closing the windows and drawing the curtains I have
also got my air conditioner going at "high cool" and have the
fan on a low speed to circulate the air conditioning.
Choose the right room mate
This is where your lazy Sunday bifurcates down the trouser legs of alternate
realities. You could choose to share your air conditioned room with someone
"special". This is a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon but
chances are it would cease to be lazy after very long!
You could choose a pal of some description. This is also nice but would
mean that your lazy Sunday ends up in a long chat.
You could choose an inanimate object, just for silent company. Today
I chose my black Labrador dog. I know dogs are not generally inanimate
objects but my pooch is great company for a lazy Sunday as all he does
is lie there wallowing in the cool air within stroking distance should
the need arise.
You could choose to be entirely alone and this is also very nice (except
if you're schizophrenic in which case you might end up having a long chat
with yourselves) and a perfectly valid choice it is too.
Choose Music
Lazy Sunday relaxing requires soothing music - a veritable ointment
for the aural senses. Metallica is a no-no as is any number of rap bands,
pop singers and The Gypsies. Oh, and for the sake of all things holy, please
do not choose Pat Boone as the damage to your soul would far outweigh anything
your eardrums may feel.
I choose a mix of classic classical and classic Bristol trip hop for
my Sunday chill out today. At the moment, a compilation CD of classical
pieces such as Grieg's "Peer Gynt Suite", Bach's "Violin
Concerto no 1" and Mozart's "Piano Concert no 24" is gently
caressing my ears and soothing fragile synapses.
I also plan on playing all three Massive Attack albums, Mozart's requiem
(great for Sunday afternoon napping) and Portishead's seminal CD "Dummy".
Trip hop is in many ways the modern equivalent of classic jazz as purveyed
by the Angel of Harlem - Billie Holiday - and other divas such as Nina
Simone. The music is heady and full of atmosphere - a mixture of slowed
down acid jazz, pared down jungle, blissed out reggae and plenty of electronic
bloops and beeps. The vocals are either smoky jazz - Massive Attack have
worked with Shara Nelson, Elizabeth Fraser and Tracey Thorn (from Everything
But The Girl) whilst Portishead's Beth Gibbons is Billie Holiday reincarnate
- or mellow rap; the result is a unique sound.
Choose Snacks
Snacking is an essential part of lazy Sunday relaxation. Sweet or savoury
- the choice is really yours alone. I am usually partial to peanut M&Ms
and coffee - dark as sin with a hint of milk and no sugar, honey...but
today I'm content to guzzle ice cold Coca Cola (sorry, not a product endorsement,
but I detest Pepsi) out of a pewter tankard. Pringles ranch flavour potato
crisps are also a good choice and devilled peanuts are hard to beat. The
only rule where snacking is concerned is that the food and the drink should
not both be sweet as your teeth would surely rot, so they would.
Reading is good for one's chi anyway but reading on a lazy Sunday afternoon
whilst tucked up in bed and snacking is this Vulture's definition of what
the afterlife ought to be like.
It is preferable to choose something light to read on a lazy Sunday,
but if you'd prefer to read the collected works of Kafka, go right ahead
babe, we're nothing if not accommodating round these parts.
I am currently reading Stephen King's "Wizard and Glass".
(This brings me on to another relatively little known pleasure, re-reading.
I have read Wizard and Glass before but I find that I am enjoying the re-read
more than I did the original read. I think the reason for this is that
the first time one reads a novel by someone like Stephen King one is usually
in an almighty rush to get to the end and find just what is going to happen...sort
of like bombing down the Galle Road at 170km per hour in order to get to
Unawatuna and get off the road. As a result though, one fails to stop and
admire the scenery along the way. Re-reading lets one wander off the path
and delve into the half-hidden nooks and crannies of a good book, doubling
one's enjoyment).
By the way, I have King's brand new novel "The Girl who loved Tom
Gordon" squirreled away on my bookshelf and a review is promised as
soon as I read it.
Anyway, back to "Wizard and Glass". Not only is this a cracking
book in its own right, but it is also the fourth instalment in a series
called "The Dark Tower". Not only is the Dark Tower series most
excellent in itself, it is also fundamentally amazing as it has been written
over a period of 28 years and is still not completed. Stephen King wrote
the first book in the series - "The Gunslinger" - in 1970 when
he was a penniless post-grad with long hair and a hairy face. He wrote
Wizard and Glass in 1998 as the world's premier "schlockmeister".
What is fundamentally amazing about this is the fact that each instalment
has picked up perfectly where the previous one left off. The continuity
is spot on and the characters are exactly as King started writing them.
Writing one story over such a span of pages and time is that it gives
the writer a great deal of room in which to manoeuvre with his characterisation.
Stephen King does just that, and his central characters are developed tremendously
throughout the four books.
"The Dark Tower" series is inspired by Robert Browning's poem
"Childe Roland to the Dark Tower came". In the poem Childe Rolande
goes in search of the Elf lord's Dark Tower to liberate his kidnapped sister.
In this tale, the hero Roland is "A Gunslinger" - a sort of knight
in a parallel Earth that has "moved on" beyond the age of technology
and gone round the wheel to a more basic and mystical age. Roland is on
a quest to find the Dark Tower. He does not know what it is nor why he
seeks it, but he does so in pursuit of Walter - the man in black - a magician
of great power and perhaps a doppelganger of our own Earth's Merlin.
In the first book Roland catches up with Walter and kills him. Along
the way he meets a young boy from our world - Jake - who dies under the
wheels of a cadillac in 1977, only to wake up in Roland's Earth.
In the second book "The Drawing of the Three" Roland draws
two more our-worlders to aid him in his quest; Eddie a heroin junk-monkey
from 1987 and Odetta,a rich schizophrenic socialite from 1968. All three
of Roland's band are from New York, and it seems that the key to the Dark
Tower may lie in an empty lot in downtown NYC. The third book, "The
Waste Lands" adds a sinister twist to the children's story "Charlie
the Choo Choo" of all things, and in the fourth instalment King even
incorporates fragments from the Wizard of Oz.
Stephen King says that there are at least three more books to come in
the series and it is very much a part of the myth of the tale that the
author himself has no idea how or when it is going to end. Having read
all four books at various stages, I decided to re-read them, one after
the other. (People ask me how I find the time to read so much; the answer
my deahs, is that I don't sleep...) and am now happily lost in Roland's
Earth and this story that is part western, part fantasy and part science-fiction.
So that's my lazy Sunday sorted. Alternates include stretching out on
a sofa watching the cricket and just forgetting all of the above and going
to sleep.
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