• Last Update 2024-09-08 19:18:00

Cabinet to meet next Tuesday to decide on essential prices


The Cabinet of Ministers will meet next Tuesday to decide on the prices of essential goods-and VAT will not be added to these items, Minister of Industry and Commerce Rishad Bathiudeen said in Parliament today.  

“Though the VAT component is applied to a certain commodities, no VAT component is applied for essential food items” said Minister Bathiudeen, addressing the House.

He said there has been a issue raised recently with regard to the price of consumer goods as the price of an essential commodities has been differed significantly  due to transport cost incurred and the number of middle men involved in the supply chain, however, now the consumers are of the view that this was recently happened due to increase of Value Added Tax (VAT) component. 

“I must highlight the fact that though the VAT component is applied to a certain commodities, no VAT component is applied for essential food items such as White Rice, Sugar, Dhal, Big Onion, Potato, Red Onion, Milk Powder, Wheat Flour, Dried chilies, Green Gram, Chick Peas, Canned fish, Sprats, Chicken, Pharmaceuticals. Especially, in Sathosa outlets,” he said.

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