• Last Update 2024-06-30 14:24:00

No representation from Bishops House for state organized Christmas festivities: Archbishop


There will be no representation from the Bishops House to state organized festivities, decorations and parties this year, said Archbishop of Colombo, His Eminence Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith.

 “We call upon the government to avoid any kind of festivities, unnecessary decorations, and ceremonies. Christmas should not become the moment in which SL has an explosion of the pandemic,” he said.

The Archbishop said priests have been advised to celebrate Christmas only in the non-lockdown areas and to limit the celebration of Christmas to the number of persons indicated by health authorities, 50 per celebration.

“We request those visiting churches to adhere to health and hygiene measures such as washing of hands, checking temperature, wearing a mask, and maintaining distance. This year please avoid visiting relatives. Limit Christmas shopping for presents, and if necessary only one person should do the shopping. This Christmas we should focus on religious observances. Do not indulge in external celebrations, with dinners, gala ceremonies, and encounters and limit celebrations to your houses,” the Cardinal Malcom Ranjith advised.  

The Cardinal reiterated the need to celebrate Christmas by helping the poor and the needy.

“We hope at least by next Christmas we can end the dark period as this is the second year we celebrate with sadness and gloom. We hope justice will be delivered, investigations conclude and create an environment such tragedies will not take place,” the Archbishop said.  

Midnight Christmas mass will be conducted hourly starting from 6.00 p.m. on December 24. The masses will be held in all Sinhala, Tamil, and English languages and telecasted live on many television channels.  Even on Christmas morning mass will be held live on television.

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